New Super PAC Launches $700,000 Ad Campaign Targeting Four Members of Congress for Political Corruption
Friends of Democracy, a new Super PAC co-founded by Jonathan Soros working to fight the corrosive effect money is having on our political system, released their first TV ad campaign today. Their first buy will target Representatives Dan Lungren (CA-7), Chip Cravaack (MN-8), Sean Duffy (WI-7) and Charlie Bass (NH-2) for putting the interests of their financial backers above the needs of their constituents. Friends of Democracy will spend $700,000 on the campaign that will run for one week in each district.
This cycle, Friends of Democracy is deploying a breakthrough strategy – one that puts us on the path to force our elected officials to help fix our broken campaign finance system – by delivering electoral consequences to those who stand in the way, and lifting up those who champion policies that move us in the right direction.
Later in the cycle, Friends of Democracy will have a heavy online advertising, direct mail and phone program in these districts and others.
“Americans have made it clear that they are fed up with being voiceless in the age of SuperPACs and mega-million dollar donors. This frustration should be read as a warning for politicians as they head into the final stretch before the elections,” said Jonathan Soros, co-founder of Friends of Democracy. “There’s a great opportunity here for leaders who embrace the challenge of putting voters back at the center of our democracy and there should also be a political price to pay for ignoring the erosion of public trust in Washington, D.C.”